3 Deadly Myths Of Lead Generation Using Online Marketing And How To Prevent Them?

As a SMB all of us are trying to generate leads for our business using online marketing these days. Right?

However there are lot of myths associated in the minds of SMB owners on how the leads are generated using online.

So in this video I’m going to talk about 3 such myths that exist in the minds of SMB owners.

Myth1: Once I Build My website the leads will automatically become.

I think it’s a very good thought to have in mind, that once you build a good website leads will automatically start coming. It’s not the case. Just having a website is not going to help. You will have to nurture it just like your regular business. Do keep adding content and keep optimizing it for search, also build your social media presence, blogs content.Unless this happens your leads are not going to come organic way.
Therefore just having a website will not have nurturing that Web site is going to get you those leads.

Myth2: Paid Marketing Equals Leads.

And this again is a very good thought and we really feel that once you put money in Google Adwords and Facebook marketing that the leads are going to come. Does it happen really? I’m sure it doesn’t. Because in most cases you will see the kind of leads that you get from these campaigns are either irrelevant in some cases even junk and why is that?

The reason for that is the campaigns have not been designed keeping your business keeping your target customer in mind. You need to create the copies you need to create ads in such a way that can really establish & identify who is going to see it.

And whether the person is going to connect with you is your prospects customer.

So all this analysis is very critical before starting your paid campaigns because mind you paid campaigns are extremely expensive as you will be very well aware of and therefore unless you plan you will burn money. And therefore paid marketing just by starting paid marketing will not give you leads.

Myth3: Every Connect That Happens Should Be Of A Qualified Lead And A Sale.

And this again is a big myth. Every connect that is happening through your online website may not convert into a lead may not become paying customer immediately. That lead also needs to be nurtured. And in many ways in most cases it would be through talk or one on one meeting or some kind of representation.

In other cases it could be through re-marketing retargeting reconnecting by various means Emailers, whatsapp campaigns. Using these mediums you will have to nurture those connects into leads for future.

It cannot be that someone is connecting you and it becomes your lead and a paying customer within the next five days. It’s not going to happen and you may have definitely observed that right?

Therefore, be very careful in defining your online campaigns in such a way that

  • You get your relevant leads
  • You nurture them well
  • You are really able to one on one connect with them before they become your paying customers.
  • So if we go through this cycle we will be able to see great leads and great paying customers for your business using online marketing.

I hope, I was able to help you demystify some of these myths.

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How Can Audience Profiling Help Reduce Marketing Costs And Improve Online ROI?

Who is your online audience?

In most cases cusotmers say well, this is online right, so anybody can come & see my website.

Well, in this video we are going to see why audience is so crucial for defining online ROI for your business?

There are 3 ways How You Can Define Your Online Audience?
Let’s get start

1) Know Thy Business:

Treat your audience as if you are sitting right in front of customer across the table.

So if you customer is sitting across, before he makes buying decision.
Those questions need to be answered to yourself & then you’re content to be positioned in that manner. Because you would want to talk to your potential customers right?

You won’t want to talk to everyone at the street about your product. You would want to talk to customers who are going to give you time who are interested in buying from you.

Know your business, what are the questions, what are the problems. Do not optimize you online content for search engines, optimize for your customers problems & solutions that you provide to them.
Because, make no mistake your customers are looking at solutions on the web not searching for random website.

2) Purpose Of Your Audience:

Now this will vary from business to business. But you need to clearly understand, identify & established what the purpose of that audience is when he comes to your website or online presence.

  • Is he coming for information?
  • Is he coming to take some action? Or
  • Is he coming to make some transaction? May buying from your store.

That purpose will be very clearly identified, established & presented to your customer.

Because many cases I have seen retail websites, giving away too much information without the main transactional calls. On the other hand I see lot of B2B websites giving a lot of transactional CTAs without providing right information. This is going to take your customer away. As I said customers are going to come to your website for solutions to their problems.

Therefore you need to be able to position yourself, your content, messaging in such a way you & they are very clear when they come online as to what they want & what has been delivered to them.

3) Audience Demography:

This is also an important aspect, but highly overlooked. Because you may have the relevant, engaging content, but if you are not hitting the right demography they you may be losing big opportunities.

Example: Is your business geared towards interacting with CEOs or you are trying to educate mid management through your online presence or you are trying to provide information to base level executives? Is that clear? Is it clear on your website? Do you know who is going to watch that content? Have your positioned your content? If you have very basic information given out & CEOs coming out watching out your content are they going to be impressed at all? No. Or you really give out high end stuff & your audience is the base level executives looking to find information so that he can create reports to present it to his boss, even he is going to get stuck. Because the way they will interpret, deceive for the language is going to be extremely different right?

So you really need to know who is going to read that content & how they are going to interpret it towards taking business actions & business decisions. So understanding of that demography becomes so crucial.
So those were 3 ways of establishing your online audience, there are so many other factors well but I have tried to cover top 3 according to me.

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Money Keyword in SEO

Money Keywords In SEO – What Are These And How To Identify Paying Visitors?


What are the money keywords in SEO?


Below is brief about the answer to the question.For detail explanation please watch the video.

Any keyword that generates a relevant click through to your page is a money keyword.

This is in opposition to popular belief that keywords that are highly searched are the money keywords. This may be true for some business domains/verticals.

However, the real game is not bringing in traffic to the website, but to get them to pay for your service or inquire for a future purchase. That is where money changes hands and hence always keep a watch on keywords that bring “relevant traffic” as opposed to “a ton of traffic” to your website.

Example: “latest iPhone X ” may generate a ton of traffic for my iPhone franchise website but am not sure why that search was fired for – did the visitor want to know features or wanted to compare with older versions or wanted to buy that phone. I will get mixed traffic although a lot of it.

Instead, if someone fires in “exchange offer for iPhone X” – does that ring a bell? Does it clearly tell that the visitor is looking for options to buy (rather exchange his phone for another one) – this is money and hence a money keyword? This may have lower traffic volume but highly relevant and targeted.

Hope this blog was helpful to you.

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Sell Product On Amazon Or Own eCommerce Website- What Is Best For Product Manufacturer?

Customer Questions and Thoughts from Our Marketing & Sales Campaigns answered by Amod Inamdar.

I am a product manufacturer, should I sell my products on Amazon or build my own e-commerce website?

So you’re saying that he’s just started OK. So, in that case, I would definitely advise to look at our video where we have talked about Sales Vs Branding. If you can share the link of that video, that would be good, because then the same principle will apply here as well OK.

Amazon will give sales, which is important as a startup, those sales numbers that are very critical. Right. But branding is going to give him the growth. And branding is going to happen through his E-commerce site. So the suggestion for him would start with Amazon build your sales but have a plan and certain milestone that he can define, go for your e-commerce site. And start promoting it. That will give the brand name.

You don’t want to remain on Amazon affiliate all your life and with Amazon, they are going so strong. They are going to the level where they are going to command. They are going to decide who stays on their platform. They are going so aggressive. So you have to always comply what their requirements are or go to yourself. And then as a business, you would want to do it yourself. So keep Amazon on your list push sales there & on the parallel definitely build your own e-commerce site, brand it so that your dependency on Amazon can be reduced. Yeah. So that approach would be advisable.

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How To Build An Online Business Sustainable Long Term With Changing Technology?

In this ever-changing online world where things changed over six months.
What approach should be taken to be able to grow the online business sustainability?

Very interesting question and to that my answer was If we takes care of these 3 aspects, we would be able to build a sustainable and stable business over the long term.
Let’s see what they are.

1. Intent:
In the online world, a billion searches are happening every day for various reasons. For example, you are an online store selling mobile phones what could be the more pertinent search for you? An iPhone history our latest iPhone X Model which is more relevant for you? The second one Right? Which means understanding the context of what that search is so important for your business.

Because if I were to optimize for iPhone history which has been searched 10K times. It’s not going to bring your business. It just going to bring me traffic where people are trying to search for the iPhone history.

You want people to buy from you, Right? Therefore, capture the intent of the keywords being typed in and then optimize your online presence for that intent. That will always deliver relevant traffic for you and relevant traffic means business.

2) Content:
Once you’ve established intent on the search. You must quickly able to position the content that addresses that specific intent. So if in the previous example: latest iPhone X model Right? The content should be positioned to show various versions of the model, colors & specifications & everything that the user wants to know when he is making that final decision. What’s more? There should be also things like giving him comparisons to other models so that he can make an informed decision and at that place itself.
If he has a query, he should be able to connect with you as well. So positioning that content is so very important. So you understand the intent then you position your content to be able to convert that relevant traffic into an engaged one.

3) Engagement & Enablement:
The part of the content was to ensure that you create your content in such a way that the user remains engaged on your website or your online presence. So there are some questions, he is talking to you, looking at videos, reviews. He is able to ask questions. It’s all engagement.

And once you’ve got him engaged you have to be able to give him the power to make those buying decisions and to be able to simplify his buying experience. So you have an e-commerce facility on your website so he can make that purchase decision. You have a facility where he can request a quote, he can compare models, and you can give him offerings of accessories along with his purchases.
All that is enablement for the customer to make that buying decision.

So if you go through this root INTENT | CONTENT | ENGAGEMENT WITH ENABLEMENT

Irrespective of whatever happens in the online world, technology will change, the competition will increase, and search engines will go up and down. But you are directly targeting the customer. If we do that then that is no harm to business your business would always remain stably sustainable. Yes, you will have to make those changes. You will have to adapt to changing new technology and environment.

But the primary focus is the customer. So if you really understand your customer, you will be able to deliver long term business for your customers and grow your online business.

I hope this blog was helpful. If you have any questions please write to us on the email is shown on your screen.

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3 Key Inputs To Focus While Planning Google Ads Campaign To Yield Correct Output?

3 Key Inputs To Focus While Planning Google Ads Campaign To Yield Correct Output?

Hello everyone.
I keep receiving a lot of e-mails messages and interactions with customers, regarding their Google AdWords campaigns. Most of them feel that those campaigns are not yielding the right outputs for some reason and as you know these campaigns are expensive, planning those campaigns becomes extremely important. In this video, I’m going to help you with

3 key aspects of Google AdWords campaigns that you should focus on when planning campaigns.
1) Selection of Keywords
Try to evaluate this volume vs. relevancy. In most cases campaigns are planned based on volume of searches. For .e.g. certain keywords has 10K searches, those keywords I picked up for the campaign assuming that more traffic can be reached out to. Try to compared with relevancy is the key word relevant to your business? Or is it too generic? Yeah because generic keywords could try to bring traffic which may not be relevant to your business and you would actually lose time addressing irrelevant inquiries.
Therefore Relevancy vs Volume.
The second aspect of this would be pricing vs. clicks and this is another aspect where we try to look on cost per click and then try to make the calculation based on the budget,
To define how many clicks we want to build. Don’t do that.
Well on how many clicks you want to work on the right you want to choose and then arrive at the budget working on them the other way round. That would yield more results, more relevant inquiries for your business.

2) Ad Copy
Are you writing your copy for search engines or for the users or potential customers? I’m sure it’s the second is right. If that’s the point then why are we stuffing keywords to ad copy. Don’t need to. Ad copy you should be as natural as possible. Compare with your offline campaigns, with banners, hoardings, printed material, do you stuff keywords there? No, you directly come to your message. This same approach that you must follow when you are making an ad copy for Google Ads as well.
Google has become very smart to be able to map your content & intent to show up our ads. So don’t get stuck in the keyword-based ad copies.
Another important aspect here would be action vs. information.
Do not create information-based ad copies they won’t make sense. You want action based ad copies, you want users to take action, interact with you. Therefore generate that interest, generate that kind of enthusiasm so that visitor could be able to connect with you. Ask questions? Throw facts, surprise him. So that it will generate the interest to click and check your offering.

3) The landing page
This by far the most important element of your Google ad campaign. Before I even started the campaign make sure your landing page is correctly indexed in Google Console, it loads fast, it is responsive, correct goals to capture the user information has been set once this is done. Then actually your campaigns should start. So the landing page is the most crucial aspect of your Google ad campaign. Here to focus should be more on interaction vs. information. You want to continue the experience of the user who’s clicking on the ad. You’ve got a great copy and the user clicks on it with anticipation go read further about your service. But if he lands on something which is a crab on which he already knows then it’s not going to have any interaction. With you. So make sure that your landing page has interaction points. The user can move around, keeps him excited. He wants to see, he wants to talk to you, ask questions. So create those points on the website and then make sure that it’s tracked & then you will see your landing page starts converting through Google AdWords.
So those were my 3 tips for your Google Ads campaign. I hope you found them useful.

If you have any particular questions on queries write to us in comments or email us @ amod@zoomyourtraffic.com

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3 Key Areas of Improvement To Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns Successful

3 Key Areas of Improvement To Make Your Email Marketing Campaigns Successful

Hello everyone.
The other day I met up with the client and we were discussing his online promotion campaigns. And he asked me a typical question that they are relying a lot on email marketing for their business. But somehow they do not actually measure & yield ROI using that channel, so what could be?
So when I analyzed that emailer campaign. I found out 3 Key Areas that needed a lot of improvement and I’m going to share them with you so that you can evaluate it accurately at your end. Let’s get started.

1) Not Consistent
Most businesses run e-mail campaigns on the need basis.
-They feel this season is coming so let’s run the e-mail campaign
-This is the right time, this is when the businesses make decisions, so let’s try to connect with the audience.
-I found this good emailer database let me just throw an emailer to this new marketing list.
So, if this is happening inconsistently then the results are also going to be inconsistent. You may find one in a million kind of a customer from those campaigns. But again that cannot be a strategy. So be consistent, schedule your campaigns for 6 months, 9 months 12 months so on, so that users consistently receive and brand your image in their mind. When they keep receiving your e-mails consistently that happens. So be consistent with your e-mail.

2) Not Themed
Now because we have been inconsistent, you do not theme your emailers as well. Because we just send them on a need basis. Based on that particular subject or period or season we sent out e-mails. There is no correlation, no connection between the e-mails that follow one another. Right?
Why are TV serials so popular? Because they are themed, every episode follows the previous one with the particular theme and this is exactly what the emailer should do. There should be a continuation, a relation it really helps customers to correlate with previous e-mails so that they get to know what’s coming up next or they are excited about what’s coming up next. They may want you to make certain contact and that they want to hear about. Isn’t that exciting, isn’t that interaction that you are seeking. Right?
So, therefore, it’s very important. That you really have themed emailers, themed campaigns to hit your customers, so that they feel engaged and they want to interact with you and feel excited when they read your e-mails coming up consistently.

3) Not Well Presented
Now because of the possibility of lack of resources or skills or time the emails that go out are just text-based with information about the promotion, contact us here & this is X Y Z about the product, this is what they’re are offering. This will definitely not connect with the users. Users have very less time plus they’re receiving so many e-mails in a day. So for them to pick and choose your e-mail and read them and go through it can interact with them. They have to be special with the X factor. That’s so crucial. If it’s not there then although you may have a really great product, great service, and chances of users interacting with you will go substantially down. Therefore using graphics, videos, and colorful text, posts you need to make emailers really exciting for the users to engage. Once that is done you will see improved open rates, more engagement and your campaigns will start converting for you.
So those were my 3 key points on how we can create improved emailer campaigns
A. Be Consistent
B. Be Themed
C. Be Presentable.

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3 Reasons Why Your Google Rankings Are Going Down?

3 Reasons Why Your Google Rankings Are Going Down?

In this video, we are going to talk about why is your website not moving up on Google ranking?
This question is also for SEO & online marketers, but it is also relevant for business owners who are running their own SEO campaigns this could be useful for them as well.
1) Thin Content:
Now what I mean by thin content is content which is not powerful enough to hold the viewer. You may do all the SEO techniques and get your visitor on your website through SEO & other programs, but if you are not going to hold your visitor on your website, then basically it’s a lost opportunity. Because the visitor must be getting some basic information & he may just move on.
Remember, customers are not looking at what you are offering, they are looking whether you have solved their problems. Are your websites addressing his problem?
If you do that then customers will retain on your website & make no mistake Google is watching this, their bots-crawlers, collect this information, your browsers are sending this information to Google & other search engines.
Based on that they will evaluate & see how much value you are providing to your visitor & then they will push your website up or keep it as it is. Therefore it really makes sense you have rich content on your website. Content that engages & urges the user to take action in the right direction to make their business goals. You need to ensure to have that rich content on a website that engages audience & builds that trust in his mind, so he can take specific action to connect & do business with you. Once that happens you will see your website moving up in the Google rankings.

2) The Stale Syndrome :
When was the last you updated your website?
In my experience, in most cases, 90% of businesses who make a website, don’t even look at the website for next say 2-3 years. Has your business stayed at the same level that was when your website was built? You have moved on Right? You widen your products/services, went into new areas/markets. Why isn’t updated on your website?
This is a very big mistake & Google is watching this. Google always looking at your website whether it is very up to date, refreshed, fresh/relevant content for today’s time. For e.g. I have a page on website talking about iPhone 4 is this relevant today? No, it’s not, I must have a page that talks about iPhone 10 latest product info. So I need to keep on updating that page, so that it stays relevant with time, because my market, searchers, the audience is moving ahead, whether I do it or not. So I need to be intuned with the market, the audience who is becoming smart, so I need to update my website all times, so that they get the value & Google understands I am keeping in intune with that value that they are requesting from me & then they will push my website up.

3) Google Algorithm Updates
It’s very technical, but it’s very important for all businesses to understand, that Google keeps on updating their algorithm from time to time. Now, this is intuned now the market is changing, how consumer behavior online is changing, how technology is changing. So they keep on changing their algorithm to ensure only the best content is shown up when searchers are made & therefore your website needs to adapt to these changes, needs to conform these guidelines that Google & other search engines are creating out. This could be in terms of having your website responsive, adpats to all mobile devices & keeps a very consistent experience to the user, could be in terms of security where having those specific SSL, https:// So that it creates trust in the mind of the visitor when transacting on your website. So all these technological updates, market behavioral changes are impacting your website’s presence in the eyes of Google & the consumer, first consumer & then Google. Your focus must be consumer first & then Google’s part will be taken care of. Once you start making these changes, Google will automatically observe that & help push your website up.
So those were my 3 reasons why Google may not push your website up & how you can really work on some of these aspects to help Google rank you higher. There are some many other factors that you may want to look at.

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Why Is Your Website Traffic Not Converting Into Sales For Your Business?

Why Is Your Website Traffic Not Converting Into Sales For Your Business?

Hello everyone.
In this video, let’s find 3 Reasons why website traffic not converting into sales and could be the probable reasons?
Let’s get started.

1) Relevancy of Traffic Over Volume Of Traffic
You may be having a lot of traffic coming site. But it may not be relevant for your business. Now by relevancy, I don’t mean that people are not searching for the correct phrase or search term. Let’s take an e.g.: You are a B2B manufacturer of air conditioning systems. So you are only supplying air conditioners to other industries where the requirements are huge. However, your website gets optimized for the term ‘air conditioner’ because probably you build a website around that word. So you start getting traffic, for household customers who want to buy one ton or one and a half ton air conditioners.

Is that your relevant audience?
Is that going to add business value to you?
Are you able to serve those type of customers?
You will see that even though the searches are relevant, it is not going to yield into business value for you. Hence the traffic was generated but did not add any business value to you. Hence RELEVANCY. This is where the relevancy factor is so important.

To be able to address, you need to understand, define your audience in the correct manner upfront when planning for your online and then build your content, build websites, social presence in such a way, that you are targeting only relevant customers.
So the volume of traffic is not the critical part. The relevancy of the traffic and relevancy for your business, not relevancy for the search presence. Please note that now.

2)Relevant Traffic Is There, but It’s Not Engaged
You would be getting good traffic, it may be relevant for that but this as well. It’s not getting engaged. Now continuing with the same example: with the B2B air conditioner manufacturer.

If you get traffic from other B2B companies or industries for the air conditioning requirements, but when they land on your website all they see is some brochure or some technical specifications of the air conditioners or some pricing points. Probably does not generate that kind of trust in them.

Because there are 20 people or competitors like you who are giving them the same information. So what is your USP? Where do you stand out? What are the features? What are the factors that make you stand out from them? Why they should come to you? Why they should deal with you? Why they should really connect with you? Ask questions.

So that’s where we have to build our website’s content in such a way that it’s not just getting that relevant traffic, it engages them in the right way, keeps them connected. Once they look at the website they want to talk to you.They want to connect with you, ask you questions. So you want to create those avenues for them. So that they remain engaged. They want to come back to you again and again. So engaging your relevant customer is your next step in improving your conversions.

3)Enable Customers
The most important aspect now is once the customer is engaged you ENABLE him to make that purchase or enable him to convert. Now how is it possible in the B2B scenario?

Is once he’s engaged and he’s connected you must be able to create a contact with him time and again and could for emailers/WhatsUp campaigns, it could be through actual physical visits, with calls and all this has to be in terms of improving on the previous experience, improving on the previous interaction. So that his questions and answered, his queries are resolved, all his specific issues, technical requirements are handled.
Using that OMNI channel approach, in which you are constantly giving him a consistent and connected experience to your user so that it creates an impression that he is talking to the right business, he is interacting with the right person and that’s when the sale is going to happen. That’s when the business is going to happen.

let’s summarize the cycle:
Traffic Coming On Website= To ensure its relevant traffic and relevant for your business = With Relevant Traffic Want To Engage Them = Relevant Traffic Want To Talk To You =Once Engaged Create An experience, Showcase your skill, knowledge and your experience with them = To enable them to make them buying decision.
This is how you convert traffic into sales Online.

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How To Plan Your SEO Campaigns For Leads, Sales And Online Branding?

How To Plan Your SEO Campaigns For Leads, Sales And Online Branding?

Hello Everyone!
A lot of people ask me this question when I meet them, what is the basic principles of SEO success?
And the reason is that they have either burned cash, trying to experiment or work with agencies or outsourced providers or themselves & not being able to achieve real, long term business benefits using online marketing.
In this video, I’m going to tell you 3 Key Principles to effectively used to make your SEO campaigns successful & work for your online business.

1) Think Long Term:
This is the most fundamental mistake most businesses make. They look at online marketing as a quick fix, a quick result driven, a quick money rich kind of an approach. So that once you put money online you get a major business. But in that kind of an approach you will always see results coming in bursts & actually do really well, sometimes will not do well & then you really analyze it for a period of time, you will find that you actually lost money rather than making it. Therefore having a long term vision is very crucial.
Take the help of experts to really understand how to plan for the long term & make sure there are campaigns 12/24 months. This is very important. Because only then you will be able to see real online growth for your business.

2) Be Adaptive:
Now I may have the longer vision, but if I am not adaptive, I will panic too soon & I’ve seen customers panicking within 3-4 months of the campaign & hey nothing is happening, nothing is working for me. What to do? And I’m losing money.
Well, that’s where the adaptive approach is very crucial. Market place & competition is changing, technology is changing real fast & therefore if you be very rigid in your campaigns the chances of you panicking soon will be high.
As an example, I’ve seen so many customers come to me & say hey Amod I used to get a lot of traffic visitors from Google 3 years ago, but today nothing is happening.
So my counter question to them was OK, what kind of changes you have made to your campaign? They said NO, we do the same things that we did.
So how are new results going to come out? Because Google has moved ahead, their search algorithms, their metrology of evaluating websites has tremendously changed. Your competition is coming, they have adapted, they have made the changes & that’s why they’re doing better than you.
That is why being adaptable is very crucial. You need to be able to adapt to the market, to competition & technology at the same time. A lot of productive this thing is learning is about unlearning as well. You need to be able to unlearn a lot of things & adapt to new things. We will have a separate video on this aspect coming soon. So being adaptive is the way to move ahead.

3) Having The Right Support:
Now in most cases businesses either stop their campaigns on their own for lack of resources or they have the technical expertise to do it or they feel that they can be managed in-house for the right results or they outsourced it to 3rd party agency or freelancer considering that they know the game & the marketing will yield results. However in most cases which has been observed that over a period of time when the evaluation is done the desired or the perceived goals or objectives are not met.
And this is where having the right support is crucial, because in the market what we really see is there are more packaged solutions available around for e.g. you create a social media or Google ranking or generate XYZ traffic kind of packages.
So it’s all getting packaged type, with no overall br& value or business value happening. Therefore you need the right support to think in an integrated manner on how platforms, which media, what strategy is going to work for you. And you as a business have to be a very key part of that discussion. Now once the goals are set you & your supporting team will work on that road map. Keep evaluating from time to time, be adaptive & achieve long term results for your business.

Key aspects to select support team:
a) Integrity is very important & grossly overlooked by businesses very unfortunate
b) Reliability in terms of how they’ve done? What kind of work has happened? What kind of results have been achieved in the market, reputation, etc.
c) Bottom line whether they can deliver on your goals.
You need to evaluate them. That’s why give that time in selecting your support partner.
Don’t rush. Underst& whether your vision matches theirs, energies match. Once that happens then you will see the results coming in.

So those were my 3 principles to apply to the business to get started online or want to really drive business results using online marketing.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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