3 Ways B2B Marketers Can Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation

3 Ways B2B Marketers Can Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation

Hello everyone.
As a B2B marker today, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools right? Are using it right?
Understand these 3 aspects or 3 ways in which you can use LinkedIn in more powerfully to generate leads for your business.

1) Profiling:
80 % of customers that I consult, when I check the LinkedIn profile, I see them incomplete.that’s a big letdown.
This is your CV to your prospective customers. It must be up to date. Make sure you have

• All your skills & experience
• Your projects, certifications, and awards
• Your videos, links to papers you have written
• Recommendations from others.

Because customers are going to create an image when they are going to connect with you. Therefore your profile has to be absolutely up to date, if not do it today.

2) Prospecting:
When we look around LinkedIn connections and if we feel all out this is the one I want to connect with.
Just go and send the message, “Hi I would like to be on LinkedIn connection” and sent.

Do you think it’s going to work that way? It does not.
It’s very rare that someone will just randomly connect with you. Yeah if they’re trying to build their own network they may want to add another one. But it’s not really something that they want to do to create an association with you. Get the point.
Make sure to make the right connections so that the connection becomes an association, where you can really engage yourself with the other person and explore opportunities to get.

3) Sales Navigator or Paid Advertising Using LinkedIn:
This is another aspect which is very grossly overlooked. Yes, it is expensive. But it is very powerful.

Paid Advertising:
Another aspect of this is people generally try to boost posts and hope for people to connect. No, you must create targeted campaigns & ads.
Take stock, look at the insights, between those ads, keep doing it an ongoing basis. Some fantastic results can be achieved with this.

Sales Navigator:
With sales navigator, you can send out e-mails to specific clients with personalized messages. You also get a chance to check who is reviewing your profile. That is very powerful.
Therefore it makes a really good case to invest money in LinkedIn Paid Advertisement.
So those were my 3 inputs for B2B marketers, to really try their leads and the sales for their business using the LinkedIn platform.

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3 Facebook Promotion Mistakes Small Business Make

Hi everyone.
Are you a small business and looking to use Facebook for promotion. Then guard against these 3 mistakes that most businesses make when using the Facebook platform.

1. Incomplete profile.
95% of businesses that I review show that people actually do not complete their Facebook page information. Facebook has so many sections and areas where you can provide your business information, services, address, phone numbers and a lot of things that you can really showcase your business with. But unfortunately, businesses overlook this aspect. They just fill up the important points like phone no. address and the rest is just left blank. Wow, that’s a big loss. You are losing so many dollars on the table.
It’s very important that every section/area that Facebook is providing you to give information about your business must be filled. Not just for the user but also for Facebook to map you with that business and show up in search results when people search via Facebook.

Another important aspect would be choosing the right template for business. Did you know that?
Most of us see the standard template that Facebook provides, but they have a facility where you can choose a template based on your business. For better look feel, & areas where customers can look up based on your business. So make sure you find out the right template for your business.

2. SEO Keywords Vs Social Tags
A lot many businesses make this big mistake.
They do a keyword search/research for Google, find out what keywords are trending and they use the same keywords to map in their Facebook posts. Is this going to work? No

Facebook search works differently from Google search. What people search in Google, they will not exactly search the same way in Facebook. Let’s clearly understand that.

Therefore for your social, for your Facebook posts you need to get into the insights you need to get into Facebook search to understand trending tags, what kind of searches people are doing there and create a different set of keywords or tags when using on social Facebook posts. Very important.
Do not make that mistake of using Google keywords as social posts. Please review your campaigns today.

3. Paid Marketing Is Completely Ignored
This is another myth a misnomer in the market, that Facebook paid marketing is absolute nonsense. It’s not the case, depending on the type of business you are and if you in the retail business, paid marketing can be really beneficial for you.
However, it needs to plan carefully, correctly and very clearly defined metrics that you want to measure and keep tweaking the campaigns. You will see the results. Invest in paid marketing on Facebook and you will really gain for your business.

So those were my three points or 3 mistakes most businesses make when using Facebook as their promotional platform. So my urge is clear to all of you sitting out there to take stock and realign your Facebook campaigns and use it effectively for your online business.

I hope the session was useful. If you have any questions please write to us on the email shown on the screen. We can get talking. Till then Bye!

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3 DONT's When Working On SEO Campaigns

Check out 3 Don’ts Of SEO Campaigns

In this video we’re going to tell you three Don’ts of SEO campaigns that you need to keep in mind.

This is a big mistake that almost 95 % of businesses make especially small ones, that they tend to stop the campaigns assuming that it’s not going to work for them.

In 3-6 months if they don’t see results coming up really fast, they feel, oh this is waste of budget now let’s stop it, this is not going to work for us. This is of a fatal mistake.
Do not stop your campaigns. Yes, you need to analyze and check out what’s going wrong.

Whether the strategy was correct, the goals set were correct. That is very important to do. But, do not stop. This is very important.

Now, this is another area where SMBs or small businesses suffer because at first whiff of a couple of negative reviews/feedback they get panic and they really don’t know how to handle the feedbacks, how to address those negative comments and then they really get paranoid.

No, this is an online marketplace. It’s an evolving one. It’s still maturing and most businesses even the big brands are suffering from this. So instead of panicking it’s best to address those reviews address those feedbacks that is going to build higher customer trust.

Please take this word and that’s how your brand is going to grow. So please do not panic. Cooldown. Take help if needed. And address those problems quickly.

Now many businesses just want to replicate what the competition is doing. Because they are doing this do this because they have a website,make ours better than them, they have a great social presence ours would be quickly good.

That’s a big mistake. Let’s understand this. Your business is unique and although they’re competitors who offer the same services or similar products their business is unique as well. Their goals may be different, their approach may be different, their price points may be different, and their audience will be different. There are so many metrics involved.

Therefore keep your business goals in mind and keep your audience in mind.
Keep your strategy in mind and plan your campaigns. Do not try to compare or compete with others. Go with your strategy and you will certainly succeed.
Do you agree with those 3 DON’Ts? Or You have your Don’ts to add to that lists?

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What Are The Top 3 Aspects When Budgeting For SEO Of Your Business?

What Are The Top 3 Aspects When Budgeting For SEO Of Your Business?

So in this video we are going to see 3 Important Considerations That Your Business Should Take When Planning For Their Online or SEO Campaigns.

Hello everyone with the new financial year just round the corner I’m sure all businesses are already starting to plan for the annual online marketing budgets Right?

  1. Establish Your Business Goals Very Clearly

For more often want happens is most businesses started with a generic approach they start with Google, with Facebook, with emailers, with SMS WhatsApp and everything that’s available online. I think that should be avoided.
Best way would be to clearly define your business goals up front.
Are you looking to ?
• Generate leads or traffic more subscribers by creating a bigger outreach or
• Trying to build a very solid online brand.
Now once this is established then creating plans selecting right platforms and creating a mix of organic as well as paid marketing will help you deliver on those business goals. So get those goals in place first it will help you really plan your budget for achieving those goals correctly.

2. Adapting to technology and marketplace changes along the way
Now what I mean by this is once the campaign is rolled out many businesses fall into the trap of being very rigid and following it very religiously which is good in a way, but time that we are living in technology is changing really fast. So there are new opportunities that are coming your way you must keep our eyes and ears open for that one.

The technology you may be using now which may become obsolete or be less effective as time goes by and then if you have the budgets on those technologies they will tend to lose more cash. Instead if you are open if you look at new opportunities you can move your budgets those new technologies, those new marketplace changes and make your investments more effective.

3. Budget for winners
Make sure you have your evaluation frequencies you have your evaluation intervals very clearly defined by up front .This would help you establish which platforms are working for you and platforms are not working for you based on the results you can switch budgets between the platforms.

For e.g. Facebook is working really well for you sit and solve the budget from Google today that does not mean that you stopped working on Google completely try to evaluate try established why isn’t working is there a problem at strategy level or at implementation level establish that by doing this you can ensure that you are not burning cash you are effectively stiffening or utilizing the stipulate budget in such a way that the best performers get more attention and that’s how you can really achieve your business goals.

So those were my 3 inputs on how you can look to budget for your SEO or online marketing for the coming business year 2019-2020.

If you have any questions or queries please write to us on the email id mentioned on the screen.

Do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and like us on Facebook for more videos coming up until then bye

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How To Deal With Bad/Negative Reviews Effectively?

How To Deal With Bad/Negative Reviews Effectively?

Hello everyone.
Are you an e-commerce business?
Then you will definitely understand the importance of reviews, which customers give you when they buy products from you. I’m sure all of us face negative or bad reviews.
How to deal with them? Do you deal with them? It’s very important.
So in this video, we’re going to see a few tips on how to deal with bad reviews effectively?

Step 1: Authenticate The Reviewer:
• Now what I mean here is first try and establish whether the reviewer has actually made a purchase from you. Many times what happens is businesses feel oh we got a bad review, now that’s either ignore. No, don’t do that.
• First, establish the identity of the reviewer. See if he has genuinely brought from your store. Check it with your sales team. And try to establish whether the person who is giving the review is a genuine buyer from your store.
• There have also been cases of negative SEO where in competitors actually write reviews against you to put your brand name down.
Therefore it’s very important. In step one. You authenticate the reviewer.

Step 2: Relevancy of the review.
95% of cases you will see reviews like worst experience or bad service. Isn’t it?
These are not reviews these are emotional outbursts of clients based on an incident or a problem that occurred when they were making that purchase or with your team member when they’re buying from your store.

Now addressing these reviews become tricky because you actually don’t know what the problem is. They have just given up a statement. So, therefore, it becomes critical to address it very carefully which I will be covering in Step 3.
But as far as possible if reviews like bad service or poor experience come up don’t treat them as negative. Other customers are smart enough to understand that these are emotional outbursts.
Yes, it’s very important that if the customer has a spelled out specific problem he has given details of where the bad experience was, these reviews are the ones which are very very relevant and then you can answer to them very specifically.

Step 3: Always Start With An Apology And End With Integrity
This is the most crucial step in the process.
• Start with an apology. Be unconditional Be real. Because customers are very smart to identify the artificial from the real. You shouldn’t mean you are sorry you should mean why you’re saying sorry to him for that bad experience.
• That’s why ending with integrity is very crucial because you are responding to that specific issue that you mentioned and showing real concern about making those changes into your business to make that experience good when either he comes again or a new customer comes on board. That integrity when you write a response will be clearly visible to him.
That’s why. Step number three starts with an apology and end with integrity.

I hope this was useful to you. If you have any questions please write to us on the email shown on the screen. And I look forward to talking to you in our future videos. Until then Bye Bye.

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3 Reasons Why SEO Isn’t Working For You?

Welcome To ZoomYourTraffic #QuickTalkWithAmod series, to help startups, SMEs and growing companies envision and plan their online growth correctly, strongly and effectively.

Are you doing SEO for your business and the results don’t seem to be coming? Well then this video is for you and I’m going to tell you the top three reasons why you’re SEO may not be working for you.

Reason #1: Not Your Priority Source For Marketing

In 95% of cases businesses think of SEO and online promotion as a secondary activity. Therefore what they do is, they either hire a SEO firm or SEO freelancer or some of the internal IT members are assigned this job of working on the company’s online presence. And then in the quarterly/half yearly or yearly meets these are reviewed as an add-on activity saying, oh what’s happening here. Oh OK, so either they take a call that OK they’re going to be in the same way or let’s just stop it.

Is this happening with your business?

If that’s the case then please re-think and give it a real high priority.

Reason #2: Goals Are Incorrectly Set

This is an again very widely observed, that most SEO goals land up on either Google rankings or traffic. I mean. I have been trying to talk to so many companies and so many businesses over the years in getting goals right.

What is your purpose of getting that number one position on Google?

Much more traffic on your site and more junk inquiries? Is that your goal? Or you would want a limited number of inquiries but very targeted so that your post sets or the post marketing activities can be really spread up and you can actually drive more conversions.

Please get your goals right. If your goal is to build traffic. So as you can build evaluation for getting in the next investment. Go ahead do it but be very clear of that.

In most B2B cases the objectives are to generate leads and business. So if that’s the goal the objective should be more towards targeted marketing.

Rather than traffic based marketing or ranking based marketing. So please get your goals right.

3 – Rigidity and Inflexibility

Although you may have to drive goals and objectives for a business it is very important to keep reviewing them on a periodic basis. In most cases what has been observed is people set goals for a year. Our objective is for us say six months and they just follow them. But the technology. The competition is changing so rapidly and dynamically, the search engines are getting smarter. There are so many new platforms coming up, so all this effectively and collectively are impacting the online.

Therefore it is very important to take stock of these changing scenarios and adapt your SEO to meet your goals and objectives.

I have also observed in many cases that when we actually review at the end of the year or we felt oh we had set this up but we ended up here because we did not do a specific thing which was new and which could have actually yielded more results.

But because of fixed and rigid on our approach we were not able to do that. So it’s a moving target. If to keep adapting to keep changing you have to keep in increasing your goals as time goes by.

So this according to me were three reasons why your SEO may not be working for you. Therefore I would urge all businesses to take stock of this and make your online thing your priority one, set up the right goals and understand this is a moving target. So be ready to adapt.

I hope this video was helpful to you. And if you have any questions or queries please write to us on the Email shown on your screen. And we’ll look forward to talking to you in our future videos. Until next time. Bye for now.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ amod@zoomyourtraffic.com or business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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