In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains, how can you identify the keywords that are sending paid traffic to your site?
Why do you want traffic to your website? • Leads and Sales/Subscribers • Traffic Branding • Higher Visibility Based on answers to those points – a strategy can be formulated to attract traffic for your website.
In any case please develop profiling of audience you’d like to address/target Profiling Aspects • Gender • Age • Interests • Geography • Profession • Value Aspects
What is in it for them from your website? How are you different from the competition? or you are unique? Why should a visitor come to your site? also, come back later again? What impression do you want to create on visitor while leaving? 14:00:262019-07-17 11:52:21How To Calculate That How Much Traffic Is Good For Your Website?
In this video, we are going to talk about why is your website not moving up on Google ranking? This question is also for SEO & online marketers, but it is also relevant for business owners who are running their own SEO campaigns this could be useful for them as well. 1) Thin Content: Now what I mean by thin content is content which is not powerful enough to hold the viewer. You may do all the SEO techniques and get your visitor on your website through SEO & other programs, but if you are not going to hold your visitor on your website, then basically it’s a lost opportunity. Because the visitor must be getting some basic information & he may just move on. Remember, customers are not looking at what you are offering, they are looking whether you have solved their problems. Are your websites addressing his problem? If you do that then customers will retain on your website & make no mistake Google is watching this, their bots-crawlers, collect this information, your browsers are sending this information to Google & other search engines. Based on that they will evaluate & see how much value you are providing to your visitor & then they will push your website up or keep it as it is. Therefore it really makes sense you have rich content on your website. Content that engages & urges the user to take action in the right direction to make their business goals. You need to ensure to have that rich content on a website that engages audience & builds that trust in his mind, so he can take specific action to connect & do business with you. Once that happens you will see your website moving up in the Google rankings.
2) The Stale Syndrome : When was the last you updated your website? In my experience, in most cases, 90% of businesses who make a website, don’t even look at the website for next say 2-3 years. Has your business stayed at the same level that was when your website was built? You have moved on Right? You widen your products/services, went into new areas/markets. Why isn’t updated on your website? This is a very big mistake & Google is watching this. Google always looking at your website whether it is very up to date, refreshed, fresh/relevant content for today’s time. For e.g. I have a page on website talking about iPhone 4 is this relevant today? No, it’s not, I must have a page that talks about iPhone 10 latest product info. So I need to keep on updating that page, so that it stays relevant with time, because my market, searchers, the audience is moving ahead, whether I do it or not. So I need to be intuned with the market, the audience who is becoming smart, so I need to update my website all times, so that they get the value & Google understands I am keeping in intune with that value that they are requesting from me & then they will push my website up.
3) Google Algorithm Updates It’s very technical, but it’s very important for all businesses to understand, that Google keeps on updating their algorithm from time to time. Now, this is intuned now the market is changing, how consumer behavior online is changing, how technology is changing. So they keep on changing their algorithm to ensure only the best content is shown up when searchers are made & therefore your website needs to adapt to these changes, needs to conform these guidelines that Google & other search engines are creating out. This could be in terms of having your website responsive, adpats to all mobile devices & keeps a very consistent experience to the user, could be in terms of security where having those specific SSL, https:// So that it creates trust in the mind of the visitor when transacting on your website. So all these technological updates, market behavioral changes are impacting your website’s presence in the eyes of Google & the consumer, first consumer & then Google. Your focus must be consumer first & then Google’s part will be taken care of. Once you start making these changes, Google will automatically observe that & help push your website up. So those were my 3 reasons why Google may not push your website up & how you can really work on some of these aspects to help Google rank you higher. There are some many other factors that you may want to look at. 09:27:082019-07-12 09:27:113 Reasons Why Your Google Rankings Are Going Down?
In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains, what are the SEO tips to improve website visibility in 2019?
Instead of Tips, suggest a process – Focus 90% on your website’s health. Universal principles never change – Health is Wealth. If you are fit and agile, you will be able to achieve much more. This rule will never change – not in 2019 or 3019 or 4019.
Start with a complete Website SEO Audit for your website. This audit needs to be based on your Key Performance Indicators e.g. conversions, traffic, rankings – depending on your business goals. Make sure the audit is very well documented and defines benchmarks for existing and desired metrics to measure along the way
Follow it up with a Website Fixing program. This should cover all critical and general corrections as documented in the SEO audit in a prioritized manner. Evaluate corrections and ensure correct documentation
Define a 3-Month or 100-Day Follow up Program to review the site again to verify set benchmarks and goals are being met
Move to the Promotion Program Audit – i.e. all external promotional elements like Social Media, Paid and Organic marketing, External SEO, etc. Goal oriented audit with documented benchmarks and goals
Set up reviews every 100 days to evaluate results and keep adapting. 14:00:092019-07-03 08:58:26Follow 5 Stage SEO Process To Improve Website Visibility On Search