Tag Archive for: SEO

Local Business Owner Looking To Drive Customers? – 3 Platforms That Help

Are you a café, a boutique, a salon, a restaurant or any store where customers actually walk into it?

Then using these 3 online business properties, you can really drive more customers to your business. Let’s see how?

1. Google My business. 

Haven’t checked this platform and have you created a profile on it?
If not. Please do it today. 

Backed by powerful Google search, customers can actually see your businesses when they’re moving around the area and can search for terms like a boutique near me, a restaurant near me. 
Your business will show up. And that will help them make a decision to walk into your store. 

Make sure you update on the profile with all the latest information, what are your USPs and keep it fresh and updated all the time. So Google My Business is the first one. 

2. Facebook:

Facebook is often mistaken as a platform to meet friends, say hi, what kind of dress someone is wearing & whereas the next vacation they got planning. No, we need to move beyond that. Facebook is a powerful business platform. 
Use pages, use groups, use events and so many other tools that Facebook has created to make sure business is visible there. 

People are searching on Facebook as well. People can recommend a shop. There are reviews, people can share. You can share your work there. And all this can help you really gain traction and more business to your store. Try it. 

3.Your Business Website:

Assuming that you have a website for your business. If not. Let’s make one today.
It’s very important because the website has replaced the visiting card. 
Customers really want to look into your business, understand your business before they make or walk into the store. 

Therefore having that website updated with the latest content, latest information, great engagement for the customers so that they can make that decision over the competition to get into your store. 

The common factors for all three of these would be to have:
A. Fresh content 
B. Relevant Content
C. Engaging Content and 
D. Is extremely high response system so that when someone connects you have a system where we are responding immediately. This gives the best user experience. 

Customers love to read responses back from web sites clearly knowing that someone is reading them someone is listening to them. 

So if you can create these this kind of ecosystem for your store, then you can really drive traffic and more customers to your business. And the best part of it you can do this yourself. You did not need any support or help. Isn’t that cool. So on that note, I would say bye bye until next time. 

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ amod@zoomyourtraffic.com or business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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3 Ways To Maintain Customer Connect And Long Term Biz Relationships?

Hello everyone.

In an ever changing complex business scenario, where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to retain customers. Here are three ways you can maintain customer connect and enjoy long term relationships for your business.

No 1: The E-mail Trail

Make sure your customers sign up to your emailers and newsletters. This is the easiest way to maintain customer connect. Keep sending the information, industry news, ideas innovations, your new product or service launches and even offerings. So that constant connect constant engagement remains in the minds of the customer. And when he is ready he is ready to connect you to do business.

No 2: The Online Trail

Social media is it’s so easy to follow what your customers are doing. What seminars they attending or hobbies they have or interests they follow users because it would be easy to track. What they are doing and if there’s interest or a hobby or any subject that is complementary. You can really connect with them and share your ideas share tasks and that can boost and create a very good customer connect. And lead to more opportunities isn’t it. So keep your eye on the social media for the right reasons.

No 3: The Personal Trail

Try and create a connect with your customer as a person. Look beyond contracts look beyond transactions look beyond business. Try and collaborate with him as a person. Try to understand his values his vision and what he wants to achieve as a business and as a person. See there are complementary strengths see there are supplementary strengths where you can really collaborate and create new ideas. Isn’t that powerful. So never ever miss out on any personal connect with your customer. Any company any kind of a leak. So those are my three methods of creating great customer connect and improving your business relationships. What are yours?

Please share your thoughts or if you have any questions please write to us on the e-mail shown on your screen. And we can get talking. Until then bye.

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3 Reasons Why B2B Sales Happen? Know the three Ps …

Hi Everyone!

As a B2B marketer. We get all the three P’s right.

We have a great PRODUCT, our PRICE it very competitively and our PROMOTION is very excellent.

But we still struggle to make those sales breakthroughs right and the reason is we miss out on the fourth very important P, which drives B2B sales and that is PAIN.

So in today’s video, we are going to see three reasons why B2B Sales happen. And surprise, they are three Ps again. Let’s take a look.

P number one is: Existing PROVIDER issues.

Most B2B sales happen, when businesses have issues with existing providers, they are not happy overall. Their service may not be Ok, their communication may not be Okay, they may have integrity issues or they must not have love the service. This leads to businesses taking call on finding new partners or new providers. This could be your opportunity to establish where their issues in businesses in terms of existing providers are serving. That could be your gateway into that business.

P number two is: PATCHED solutions.

Most B2B businesses are very comfortable using their existing systems. So they are kind of averse to technology upgrades or new innovations coming to the market. However if you have learning to build solutions that patch with their existing systems. Then they will be more than happy to look at your product or service. If it’s an add-on to an existing system. It will be easy for them to learn and use it better. This could be your opportunity.

P number three is: PIECEMEAL solutions.

This is another area where business is really bored the fact that they have managed so many providers one for software one for the online one for hardware, one for logistics. It becomes too much for them. So if you can actually look out for an area in that business where you can provide a complete turnkey solution or a one stop approach that could become your opportunity.

Businesses would love to hear such solutions that they have managed only one provider which takes care of the entire problem as you see is three Ps are the key drivers and therefore as a B2B marketer you must really focus on them to drive B2B sales for your business.

I hope this video was useful. In the upcoming videos, we are also going to see how we grow businesses to generate B2B inquiries.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ amod@zoomyourtraffic.com or business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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ZoomYourTraffic Web Solutions

3 Reasons Why SEO Isn’t Working For You?

Welcome To ZoomYourTraffic #QuickTalkWithAmod series, to help startups, SMEs and growing companies envision and plan their online growth correctly, strongly and effectively.

Are you doing SEO for your business and the results don’t seem to be coming? Well then this video is for you and I’m going to tell you the top three reasons why you’re SEO may not be working for you.

Reason #1: Not Your Priority Source For Marketing

In 95% of cases businesses think of SEO and online promotion as a secondary activity. Therefore what they do is, they either hire a SEO firm or SEO freelancer or some of the internal IT members are assigned this job of working on the company’s online presence. And then in the quarterly/half yearly or yearly meets these are reviewed as an add-on activity saying, oh what’s happening here. Oh OK, so either they take a call that OK they’re going to be in the same way or let’s just stop it.

Is this happening with your business?

If that’s the case then please re-think and give it a real high priority.

Reason #2: Goals Are Incorrectly Set

This is an again very widely observed, that most SEO goals land up on either Google rankings or traffic. I mean. I have been trying to talk to so many companies and so many businesses over the years in getting goals right.

What is your purpose of getting that number one position on Google?

Much more traffic on your site and more junk inquiries? Is that your goal? Or you would want a limited number of inquiries but very targeted so that your post sets or the post marketing activities can be really spread up and you can actually drive more conversions.

Please get your goals right. If your goal is to build traffic. So as you can build evaluation for getting in the next investment. Go ahead do it but be very clear of that.

In most B2B cases the objectives are to generate leads and business. So if that’s the goal the objective should be more towards targeted marketing.

Rather than traffic based marketing or ranking based marketing. So please get your goals right.

3 – Rigidity and Inflexibility

Although you may have to drive goals and objectives for a business it is very important to keep reviewing them on a periodic basis. In most cases what has been observed is people set goals for a year. Our objective is for us say six months and they just follow them. But the technology. The competition is changing so rapidly and dynamically, the search engines are getting smarter. There are so many new platforms coming up, so all this effectively and collectively are impacting the online.

Therefore it is very important to take stock of these changing scenarios and adapt your SEO to meet your goals and objectives.

I have also observed in many cases that when we actually review at the end of the year or we felt oh we had set this up but we ended up here because we did not do a specific thing which was new and which could have actually yielded more results.

But because of fixed and rigid on our approach we were not able to do that. So it’s a moving target. If to keep adapting to keep changing you have to keep in increasing your goals as time goes by.

So this according to me were three reasons why your SEO may not be working for you. Therefore I would urge all businesses to take stock of this and make your online thing your priority one, set up the right goals and understand this is a moving target. So be ready to adapt.

I hope this video was helpful to you. And if you have any questions or queries please write to us on the Email shown on your screen. And we’ll look forward to talking to you in our future videos. Until next time. Bye for now.

Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ amod@zoomyourtraffic.com or business@zoomyourtraffic.com

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Why Managing Your Business’ Online Media Getting Tougher By The Day?

In the early 2000s, as early birds, all businesses that went online enjoyed benefits of positioning online through keywords on Google search. As new social media came in, it was easy to create and test various media in those early years.

Then 2012 came … and everything changed forever, for good.

Focus from volume moved to value… search engines started rating and ranking sites based on website content rather than keywords, social media introduced interactions to judge visitor reactions and with eCommerce – buying intent became real value. Things got REAL from the virtual days gone by. AI bots replaced linear software programs.

To add to that specialty websites, portals, online services started creating their own space in the markets e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Quora, etc..

With all this, businesses needed to adapt to this expanding (options) yet shrinking (value) marketplace. True value began to get counted.

Businesses spread their wings around and created their presence all over the web (whatever they could get their hands on or heard about). This was to opportunities weren’t missed. No one really knew who the next big winner was? least realizing that their business was suffering because of it? How?

• Businesses created content for all platforms – from websites to social to blogs to articles to videos to everything available.

• Every new avenue was scouted. New profiles created and content was distributed, shared or created.

• With multiple team members working on same business goals, ton of profiles were made for the same platform by all these individuals and kept managing them separately.

• As they traded jobs, these profiles were either lost in the oblivion or not attended too.

• As new media arrived, new skills were required. These included designers, developers, written content generators, social media managers, website managers and strategic SEO consultants.

• As a business, handling all these skilled resources meant extra time, extra money and extra effort. Many businesses didn’t bother and either scaled down their efforts or just dropped it altogether. Years of online value created by them was eroded.

• Reason – Instead of focusing on their core business, they needed to manage their online admin teams and work. All those investments and tireless effort devalued…


If yes, there are some quick tips for you:

a. Take stock and assemble data

• Find all your online profiles (can be simply done by searching in Google or using sophisticated online tools) and record in a spreadsheet.

• Log into the profile (if you have access information too)

• Evaluate the property and decide whether you need to keep it or toss it? Make a decision. Don’t hold it back for another day. It will make things even more complex.

• Try to restrict one official profile for one business per media. e.g. one FB official page (I remember a business that had 4 FB business pages created by different business team members. This dilutes your brand). Keep the best ones. Try to merge multiple into one (if possible or as per the media’s policies).

• Build your final list of all online entities (with full access) that you want to focus for the next 2 years. I.e. your entire strategy will revolve around this list.

Note: 2 years is a massive timeline in the online world. There will be new platforms coming in, old ones may get disrupted or closed, technology changes will come in. Hence, periodic review of this list needs to done and updated accordingly but in line with a longer term vision for your online business.

b. Manage It The Right Way

• Assign one manager or management firm to administer this list. Define strategy and goals with them and set accountability.

Note: Use this person/firm as administrators – not as all skill experts. Their job is to strategize the online promotion and ensure upkeep of this media list in line with set goals and objectives. This will reduce your load immensely.

• Jointly hire the right skills for various online goals. E.g. hire specialist writers for press releases and blogs, technical writers for SEO and copywriters for Ad copy and Web copy. Let the manager/firm administer them.

Remember – you need to build value and consistency for long term online success.

c. Measure And Grow

• Setup evaluation mechanism for all platforms and the management of your online activity. Ensure goals are being met or progress is happening. Dont shy away from taking tough decisions if needed (with correct safeguards ofcourse)

• Monthly review and Quarterly re-strategize would be a good approach. We don’t want to change too fast nor we want to wait too long.

• Invest the right money. This is why strategy is important. By trying everything and in generic manner, we tend to lose more money, effort and valuable time. An organized way may seem expensive but will more than pay for itself in the long run.

Hope this helps you put in you in control on your online business management? This is extremely important because we always say:

Your brand is not just online, it’s on the line….