In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains, Top 3 SEO Trends Look Ahead? What Are The Challenges And Opportunities It Brings?
Page Speed: At present, Google takes into consideration, both speed and optimization as the ranking signals. Therefore, it becomes evident that the optimization score is presently vital for ranking. The best thing is that you can deal with site optimization and result tracking, all by yourself. Google, over and over again states its commitment towards flawless user experience for its users. Prior, Google made use of the desktop’s page loading time to consider ranking, while currently, it is mobile page speed that turns into a ranking factor in case of mobile. The change essentially dictates that webmasters are required to investigate things that help in boosting the page speed that Google considers essential, as far as page speed evolution is concerned.
Amazon Search: Amazon is not considered to be a universal search engine, however, for product search and shopping, it serves to be a top destination for the users. It’s told that an astounding 56% of customers visit Amazon initially, on the off chance that they have to purchase something. If we consider a seller, it is considered an opportunity missed, on the off chance that he is not selling via Amazon. That is to say, the Amazon SEO strategy is necessary for 2019, in the event that you sell products via Amazon.
Mobile First Indexing: What happens to be Google’s brainchild, mobile-first indexing makes use of your mobile version of the site, so as to index and rank sites. The process is rolling out really quickly as have begun notifying webmasters regarding it. The thought behind mobile first indexing is that henceforth Google will be taking into consideration, mobile versions of a website for ranking. 09:08:572019-07-12 09:09:00SEO Trends That Will Matter Most in 2019- Challenges And Opportunities
Hello everyone. In this video, let’s find 3 Reasons why website traffic not converting into sales and could be the probable reasons? Let’s get started.
1) Relevancy of Traffic Over Volume Of Traffic You may be having a lot of traffic coming site. But it may not be relevant for your business. Now by relevancy, I don’t mean that people are not searching for the correct phrase or search term. Let’s take an e.g.: You are a B2B manufacturer of air conditioning systems. So you are only supplying air conditioners to other industries where the requirements are huge. However, your website gets optimized for the term ‘air conditioner’ because probably you build a website around that word. So you start getting traffic, for household customers who want to buy one ton or one and a half ton air conditioners.
Is that your relevant audience? Is that going to add business value to you? Are you able to serve those type of customers? You will see that even though the searches are relevant, it is not going to yield into business value for you. Hence the traffic was generated but did not add any business value to you. Hence RELEVANCY. This is where the relevancy factor is so important.
To be able to address, you need to understand, define your audience in the correct manner upfront when planning for your online and then build your content, build websites, social presence in such a way, that you are targeting only relevant customers. So the volume of traffic is not the critical part. The relevancy of the traffic and relevancy for your business, not relevancy for the search presence. Please note that now.
2)Relevant Traffic Is There, but It’s Not Engaged You would be getting good traffic, it may be relevant for that but this as well. It’s not getting engaged. Now continuing with the same example: with the B2B air conditioner manufacturer.
If you get traffic from other B2B companies or industries for the air conditioning requirements, but when they land on your website all they see is some brochure or some technical specifications of the air conditioners or some pricing points. Probably does not generate that kind of trust in them.
Because there are 20 people or competitors like you who are giving them the same information. So what is your USP? Where do you stand out? What are the features? What are the factors that make you stand out from them? Why they should come to you? Why they should deal with you? Why they should really connect with you? Ask questions.
So that’s where we have to build our website’s content in such a way that it’s not just getting that relevant traffic, it engages them in the right way, keeps them connected. Once they look at the website they want to talk to you.They want to connect with you, ask you questions. So you want to create those avenues for them. So that they remain engaged. They want to come back to you again and again. So engaging your relevant customer is your next step in improving your conversions.
3)Enable Customers The most important aspect now is once the customer is engaged you ENABLE him to make that purchase or enable him to convert. Now how is it possible in the B2B scenario?
Is once he’s engaged and he’s connected you must be able to create a contact with him time and again and could for emailers/WhatsUp campaigns, it could be through actual physical visits, with calls and all this has to be in terms of improving on the previous experience, improving on the previous interaction. So that his questions and answered, his queries are resolved, all his specific issues, technical requirements are handled.
Using that OMNI channel approach, in which you are constantly giving him a consistent and connected experience to your user so that it creates an impression that he is talking to the right business, he is interacting with the right person and that’s when the sale is going to happen. That’s when the business is going to happen.
let’s summarize the cycle: Traffic Coming On Website= To ensure its relevant traffic and relevant for your business = With Relevant Traffic Want To Engage Them = Relevant Traffic Want To Talk To You =Once Engaged Create An experience, Showcase your skill, knowledge and your experience with them = To enable them to make them buying decision. This is how you convert traffic into sales Online. 14:30:242019-07-05 07:35:07Why Is Your Website Traffic Not Converting Into Sales For Your Business?
In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains, what are the SEO tips to improve website visibility in 2019?
Instead of Tips, suggest a process – Focus 90% on your website’s health. Universal principles never change – Health is Wealth. If you are fit and agile, you will be able to achieve much more. This rule will never change – not in 2019 or 3019 or 4019.
Start with a complete Website SEO Audit for your website. This audit needs to be based on your Key Performance Indicators e.g. conversions, traffic, rankings – depending on your business goals. Make sure the audit is very well documented and defines benchmarks for existing and desired metrics to measure along the way
Follow it up with a Website Fixing program. This should cover all critical and general corrections as documented in the SEO audit in a prioritized manner. Evaluate corrections and ensure correct documentation
Define a 3-Month or 100-Day Follow up Program to review the site again to verify set benchmarks and goals are being met
Move to the Promotion Program Audit – i.e. all external promotional elements like Social Media, Paid and Organic marketing, External SEO, etc. Goal oriented audit with documented benchmarks and goals
Set up reviews every 100 days to evaluate results and keep adapting. 14:00:092019-07-03 08:58:26Follow 5 Stage SEO Process To Improve Website Visibility On Search
Hello Everyone! As a business, you must be running a lot of SEO and online promotional campaigns for your business either yourself or through agencies and you will be scanning through a lot of reports coming up at the end of every month using Google Analytics, which is the most widely used analytics tool to see user behavior. Right? If so, in this video I’m going to tell you three important metrics that you must see as a business owner to ensure that your campaigns are moving in the right direction.
1) Relevancy Now relevancy is most important. You do not want junk traffic on your website, because that is going to add to your effort and cost and that’s going to reduce your ROI. Therefore the campaign has to move towards attracting relevant traffic only. Hence using Google Analytics you can track for relevancy using What sources the traffic is coming from? What keywords coming from? What devices they’re coming in from? What locations are coming in from? And try to map your business case with this data. Are you targeting any specific location? Are you targeting a specific set of customers with a demographic? Please carefully understands and define the relevancy. Once the relevancy is defined then you can clearly see that your campaign is started off well and moving in the right direction.
2) Engagement Once how relevant traffic coming to a website, it is so important to keep them engaged. Because now you have a potential customer coming in to check your website. It should be able to address his queries his questions, solutions that he is seeking for him. Because if he doesn’t find them he’s going to walk away. Therefore your website should be organized in such a way that holds him, it addresses his queries or gives him a chance to interact with you, by filling in some form, or having a live chat or having an email option or a phone call.
Using Google Analytics you can check out • A bounce rate of visitors • Time spent by a user on your website • How many pages he has seen? • What kind of click follow he has achieved? • Very specific sections of the website that he has visited • On what pages he is spending the most time? Or on what pages he is moving on quickly. All this is so important information to make those important tweaks and findings to your content when engaging and interacting with your customer.
3) Qualification Now you have RELEVANT TRAFFIC, you have ENGAGED THEM. Now you want to qualify them as a lead. Now your website should have clearly defined As sections that determine an entry visitor into a qualified lead. For example, if he does a website and lands up filling up the questionnaire that you have on some page, it will be termed as a qualified lead Or if he browse us through 3 pages that you have to define him to go through & then connect with you through email that would be a qualified lead. So if those flows are established as qualified leads you will have facilities in Google Analytics to track that and then based on that you can clearly determine the kind of traffic that’s coming in and the kind of traffic that is getting qualified as leads. Isn’t that powerful? You can either learn this yourself or you can hire an agency or freelancer to help you understand this. Make sure you do this every month and keep on improving, keep on tweaking, keep on fine tuning those goals so that your entry level in traffic to your qualification ratio always keeps on improving. Isn’t that powerful?
So these were my three inputs for you as a business owner to look at Google Analytics as a relevant traffic generator, an Engager & Lead qualifier tool. 14:30:282019-06-28 08:03:07How To Use Google Analytics For Relevant Traffic, Engagement, Leads And Sales?
In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains, what are the best ways to create leads from Facebook?
A few questions to answer before we look at FB promotion
What’s your business about? Is your business audience on Facebook?
You’d want to capture user’s details to connect with them (1 step) or direct them to a website to signup/subscribe/buy (2 steps)?
Do you have something to give the subscriber/lead as a complimentary add-on (download, free eBook, trial or some giveaway)?
Have you used paid marketing before? Whats been your experience?
Are you looking at generating leads as a short term strategy (season, festival) or long term (business growth)? Once these are answered then a FB promo strategy can be developed.
In this #TechKnow Session Parveen explains what’s the secret behind Amazon keyword ranking for product listing?
Below is a list of key factors. For detail explanation please watch the video.
Amazon’s original A9 algorithm for ranking products on their search has evolved over the years. However, the underlying principles remain the same as Google – the better people respond to your product, the higher you will be on their search. Some of the key factors would be:
Reviews and Ratings
Product views
Wishlist entries
Add to Cart entries
Repeat buyers
Responsive system to user reviews and questions
Complete profiles with detailed product descriptions
Of course – the keyword factor is important but adding your products in the right category & subcategory is highly critical
Product valuation in comparison to competing products.
Just like Google (who has over 200 parameters for ranking), Amazon claims to have a series of parameters to rank products on their search. The above are just indicative parameters that businesses can understand and work on immediately.
Hello everyone. You might be planning for an SEO project for your online business. We talk about budgets and we only think of money as the aspect for defining it. Right? In this video, I’m going to tell you 3 Budgets that are so important when planning an SEO campaign. Let’s take a look.
1) The Time Budget: As a business owner, your most important investment in this budget would be your time. Most businesses what they do is they outsource their projects to agencies and contractors saying that you please do it on your own and show us the results without investing their own time into their project. It’s a cardinal mistake. As a business, your involvement in a project in defining the road map is so very crucial and therefore you must be able to devote and dedicate time. when planning for this project. Make no mistake, if you invest your time & budget, you will see a return on investment. Big time. Please think this over.
2) The Skill Budget: Make sure you have the right resources or you will hire the right resources for the project. Do not try to cut corners by cutting people who can just manage the show. You want skills to drive your campaigns, to get the results. Who can study who can research and adapt and who can really deliver on your business objectives? Don’t compromise there. Get the right skills. Budget for that.
3) The Money Budget: Now when you plan in advance, when you have the right skills, sometimes the costs can escalate. That’s right and therefore it is very important that during planning itself if you have certain numbers in mind you can define a staged approach rather than going all out, you can stage it in such a way that you can put in some money see the returns. Then invest/reinvest some of that money again and keep on growing. This can be done, but this has to be carefully thought out when planning for the project. And this is exactly the point no.1 “Time Investment” is so important.
So as a business if you put in that time you can really work on the resources and the monthly budgets needed when planning for the project. This will not only save time effort cost but most importantly build and grow your ROI big term. 14:30:252019-05-24 08:30:043 Budgets Important For SEO Campaign Plan
Hello Everyone, Are these some of the issues that your website is facing? a) Getting junk e-mails from your Web site forums. b) Getting malware injected into a Web site pages and some gibberish texts show them on your web pages Or some of them they just don’t open up at all or they get connected to some other Web sites. Then your site could be seriously infected.
I’m going to tell you 3 ways of how these issues can be rectified so that they don’t harm your online business. 1) Having the Right Server: Now, most businesses outsource this activity to their website developer who has been given the complete responsibility of hosting the web site, the emails, etc.
As a customer, you really need to know the configuration of the server, kind of settings up there to protect their website.
Most Websites are on shared servers which means there are multiple sites on the same server. One site gets infected by a virus or a malware chance of getting infected into your site as well is possible. That is why getting that right server is very crucial.
Talk to your website developer today, talk to your hosting partner today and understand the configuration. Make sure there are sufficient security measures in place which we will be talking about in one of our #HowTo videos coming soon, that are needed to put up on your website as a checklist to ensure spam emails don’t come or malicious malware are arrested. So choosing that right server is so very crucial.
2) Design Basics : Get your developers to design a Website with sufficient security checks. For example: • Writing very tight security codes, • Having required https:// codes in place • Having captcha buttons on your forms.
To ensure that these basic malware issues do tuck up.
Of course, there are rampant and too sophisticated advanced malware programs around which can create a good site. But with these design aspects, you can really at one level make your website safe and secure.
3) The Backend Support: Now in case all the security measures and checks in place, there is still a malware attack, a virus attack or spam e-mails coming up on your Website.
Then what you need to do is to ensure that you have your back end system in place to address that problem immediately. It can happen, since its real world, there are attacks happening all the time across the globe. So if your website were to go down instead of panicking it would be right to immediately raise a ticket with your hosting partner and get them to clean the malware, to clean malicious code that has been injected on your website.
Some of these if you plan it very well, your hosting plan will cover up charges involved, in some cases, you may have to pay extra to get those malicious codes or removed & clean. Make sure you plan this when you’re budgeting for your website and server.
This will definitely ensure that their business does not go down or goes down for a minimal time. This is so crucial for online business. So those were my 3 inputs for all businesses when working on their site security at a preliminary level. This is where as a business you can manage or observe or supervise it accurately at your level itself. There are high-end issues that need to tackle at the server or at developers.
But these are 3 things that you can really monitor yourself and make sure that your website is always up and growing for your business.
Don’t forget to subscribe us on YouTube. Like us on Facebook.
Look forward to your comments and questions. 14:30:222019-05-17 08:09:293 Ways To Keep Your Website Safe/Secure From Malware
Hello everyone, If you are a local business and have not positioned yourself on Google My Business yet, these 3 things are most important to address when you get your business out there on Google.
1) Get Your Business Correctly Verified: Google has introduced a system of verifying your business address and phone no. as a part of a cleanup mission that they have started because in the past lot of cases were bogus or false business had been set up on phone numbers e-mail addresses. And it’s really kind of given such a bad name because of wrong businesses being shown up and then customers are complaining that they are not able to reach the right place.
Therefore, this verification of an address and phone number is extremely crucial and make sure you have your address and phone number very correctly put up and then using the verification process get your business verified immediately. In fact we have a video created specifically for this, so do check the video link and get your business verified right away.
Have multiple locations? No worries, you can add up to 18 locations in one Google My Business Account. So, go ahead and add all those addresses. Make sure you verify and they are absolutely correct. Why? Because once they’re verified it is going to be attached to your business and most importantly once they’re published on Google, customers are going to use them to reach our place. To ensure they’re as accurate and as direct as possible. So that customers can reach your place.
2) Complete Your Business Profile: Google has created enough sections for you to fill up as much information about their business as possible. Not just to assist the customer but also help their backend to really map your business to people in the search so that the relevancy is very high.
For example, there filters like Women only business or assistance for disabled people. Isn’t that fantastic? It’s a real indicator for the customer they know what to expect when they walk into your store. So make sure. You have all those more details filled up don’t leave anything blank, put in your working hours, services & make sure you have some keywords in place when you’re putting the description. Very powerful, fill up everything
3) Connect Visually: Google My Business has a section where you can add photos of products and services. Make sure you really upload photographs of your store to give the users connect and they know what to expect when they reach your store. Give them an idea of their products and services. Most importantly fill in as much information can as much as possible.
Because you want to map it with search as well because you want Google to really map your services that people are searching for you or searching for products or services.
Another important aspect is when customers come in to make sure they give you a review. Google is geo-targeting reviews. This is another of their filters to ensure correct reviews are given and not bogus ones. This means that when you give a review via a mobile, using their GPS they can really map whether you are actually at the store and not at other place or you are paid to get a review. So using this geo-mapping they can really establish which reviews are genuine and which are no. Isn’t that fantastic? So make sure you encourage all your visitors/customers to give you feedback when they’re visiting your store.
So these are my 3 suggestions to get you to Google my business page really active and ready for search when customers are looking for your services.
Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ 14:30:382019-05-06 07:16:323 Things To Make Your Google My Business Listing Ready For Local Search
Hello everyone. As a B2B marker today, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools right? Are using it right? Understand these 3 aspects or 3 ways in which you can use LinkedIn in more powerfully to generate leads for your business.
1) Profiling: 80 % of customers that I consult, when I check the LinkedIn profile, I see them incomplete.that’s a big letdown. This is your CV to your prospective customers. It must be up to date. Make sure you have
• All your skills & experience • Your projects, certifications, and awards • Your videos, links to papers you have written • Recommendations from others.
Because customers are going to create an image when they are going to connect with you. Therefore your profile has to be absolutely up to date, if not do it today.
2) Prospecting: When we look around LinkedIn connections and if we feel all out this is the one I want to connect with. Just go and send the message, “Hi I would like to be on LinkedIn connection” and sent.
Do you think it’s going to work that way? It does not. It’s very rare that someone will just randomly connect with you. Yeah if they’re trying to build their own network they may want to add another one. But it’s not really something that they want to do to create an association with you. Get the point. Make sure to make the right connections so that the connection becomes an association, where you can really engage yourself with the other person and explore opportunities to get.
3) Sales Navigator or Paid Advertising Using LinkedIn: This is another aspect which is very grossly overlooked. Yes, it is expensive. But it is very powerful.
Paid Advertising: Another aspect of this is people generally try to boost posts and hope for people to connect. No, you must create targeted campaigns & ads. Take stock, look at the insights, between those ads, keep doing it an ongoing basis. Some fantastic results can be achieved with this.
Sales Navigator: With sales navigator, you can send out e-mails to specific clients with personalized messages. You also get a chance to check who is reviewing your profile. That is very powerful. Therefore it makes a really good case to invest money in LinkedIn Paid Advertisement. So those were my 3 inputs for B2B marketers, to really try their leads and the sales for their business using the LinkedIn platform.
Share your feedback & queries in comments or email us @ 14:30:052019-04-12 07:15:543 Ways B2B Marketers Can Use LinkedIn for Lead Generation