Digital Transformation Or Disruption?

The past decade has been a decade of dynamic disruption where a number of technologies came forward and took the center stage. Several organizations also adopted new age mechanisms to kick start their transformative journey. In the last few years, digital transformation has become the core for almost all tech-based and some not too tech-savvy organizations as well. In this digital race, to stay ahead, they are incorporating numerous tricks and techniques not just to outdo their contemporaries but to surpass their traditional and uninteresting mode of business.
As we have entered into a new decade, industry along with industry experts have started predicting how digital transformation will cause disruption in 2020 and beyond. Here is the list of top digital transformation trends that are more likely to shine this year.
• Consumer Experience
• Analytics: A Competitive Edge
• AI at the Forefront of Digital Transformation
• Growing Importance of Mergers and Acquisition Activities
• Relevance of APIs in Business Performance
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Source: Smriti Srivastava